Saturday 27 September 2014

Noisy Neighbours

My neighbours are ridiculous. Actually horrifically ridiculously noisy.

They're probably lovely people. But I hate them sometimes. Them being noisy during the day would piss me off, but I could handle it, you know? But they make their noise from seven in the evening to between eleven and one in the morning.

One in the fucking morning. Fuck you neighbours. Fuck you very much.

Once they started a party at four in the morning. Let me repeat. All was quiet, I was asleep and then all of a sudden guests arrive at my neighbours and they start to have a fucking party.

Are. You. Shitting. Me.

And they leave the TV on, and listen to music all night, and it's ridiculous. Just ridiculous. I have school man. My flat mate has school. We need to sleep so as to function in the mornings.

We had to go and see them at some point. We had to go up and say ''listen guys, listening to loud music and having freaking parties after ten in the evening on week nights is not cool. Please stop. For the love of all things holy, stop''.

They haven't stopped but at least they've toned it down a bit. Usually at eleven they turn off the music, and they're only obnoxiously noisy on the weekends.

My neighbours make me really angry sometimes. I just want to sleep in peace man. Is that really to much to ask?

But on a less angry note this has made me discover the magic of earplugs. Like I've slept with them Every night for a year. They're great. They were a bit uncomfortable at first, but I got used to them. You can get used to anything really.

Dealing with noisy neighbours. Wow. I guess I a grown up now. Shit.

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