Thursday 11 July 2013

My sisters tonsils

My sister got her tonsils out the other day. Poor thing.

She was very brave though. My mother says that she didn't complain at all when she was taken into the operating theatre, and instead of being shy with all the unknown doctors and nurses she just chatted away, like the chatterbox she is.

The operation was a quick one too. She went in at eight o'clock, and she was out at eight thirty.

I went to see her at the hospital the afternoon after the operation. She was still a little drugged, so she was really quiet and sluggish, and she didn't really seem to notice or comprehend what was happening around her. It was so strange, because I'm used to never being able to get a word in when she's in the room.

She came home the next day, and the poor thing is sore. She doesn't want to eat or drink very much because it hurts her throat.

She's getting a fair amount of ice cream though, so I guess it's not all bad.

Still I'll be glad once she'd properly better again. I miss my hyperactive, chatty, bratty little sister. She's grown on me.

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