Saturday 29 June 2013

Pyjama day

I have decided that I am not getting dressed today, instead I am going to stay in my pyjamas and in my bed watching movies. Preferably cartoons.

This was not my original plan, but what can I say? Life doesn't follow a plan it seems.

I was meant to go hang out with two friends today. We were supposed to go eat out, and then go swimming, only it's raining, and one of my two friends is sick. So our plans have been postponed until next week.

I'm not going to tell my mother. She's gone this weekend you see, along with my stepfather and my little sister. My brother and dad have gone for a week. They're in Augsburg for a race.

So I'm all by myself, alone in the house. I had told my mother that I was going to hang out with friends today, and that I was going to the cinema with a third friend tomorrow. She was glad because she doesn't want me to be too much by myself these days. Something about needing someone to make sure I'm looking after myself properly.

So I'm not going to tell her about today. I don't want to worry her. I do hope I get to go to the cinema tomorrow though. It would be nice to get out a bit.

In any case today is a pyjama day unless a surprise something happens, which, lets be honest here, is highly unlikely. Surprise somethings rarely happen to me.

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