Sunday 24 March 2013

An angry rant

Thank God for you Ciosa. And thank God for our uncle. Two members of our family that I hardly ever see. Truly, I mean I see you about one or twice every three years, and I haven't seen our uncle in at least six.

I feel like the two of you are the only ones in our family who care sometimes. The only ones that I can actually complain to, without having to suffer some sort of judgement.

As you can see I'm angry this evening. Even I'm not all that sure why. Although no one has noticed you know. My mum never does. Once I spent an entire evening not speaking a single word to her. Why? Because she was mistreating one of of MY books that I had lent to her. And after I asked her to please be careful she gave out to me because she was "stressed out". Sorry mum. Sorry for caring about my stuff.

I haven't lent her a book since.

I can complain to you endlessly, Ciosa, and if I'm in the wrong you just tell me, quietly, by explaining gently why. You don't give out, you don't tut and insinuate how simple minded I am. You don't make me feel subhuman and abnormal.

That's how everyone else makes me feel sometimes. Like I'm an idiot and I'm worth nothing. Sometimes I wonder if one day someone is going to come up to me and say flat out to my face "you think wrong, you act wrong, you are wrong".

And then I'm going to snap and punch that person in the face.

God bless you Ciosa anyway. And maybe send an email to our uncle. He makes me feel better, maybe he can give you some solid advice on life too.

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