Tuesday 19 March 2013

Daddy's Girl

I love my dad. I'm not sure I've ever written about him here before. I know I must have mentioned him, and I'm pretty sure I've talked about my mum (whom I love as well).

My dad is brilliant. He actually really and truly is. I don't even know I can begin to explain what he's like.

He's a hippy for one. And I don't mean that in a hipster "oh I love the 60's" kind of way. No what I mean by that is that he does what he loves, he's never cared about money (and what I mean by this is that he doesn't want money for the sake of being rich and having money), and the only materiel things that he would ever really want to keep for sure are his kayaks and surf boards.

He's a fricking dude. A surfer hippy dude.

He does a lot of kayaking, just like my brother. In fact my dad in my brothers trainer. It's all they ever do really. Pretty sure they even dream about kayaking at night.

I talked to my dad yesterday for the first time in about two weeks. Not for any bad reasons, it's just cause I live away from home and he's not real good for picking up the phone. And I'm probably not going to see him in ages either. This makes me kind of sad.

I wish we hung out more, just him and I. Cause as silly as it sounds it's better when it's just the two of us. When someone else joins the equation (anyone at all) it's just not the same.

And unfortunately people usually do join the equation. And it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just that when we're with other people we don't really talk much, or do anything. But when its just the two of us I can tell him anything at all. And I usually do when the occasion presents itself.

Basically what I'm saying is that I'm a daddy's girl. Or I used to be. Or I sometimes am.

I miss him is really what the point is here.

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