Sunday 10 March 2013

Marissa and Séline

Marissa and Séline are two of the greatest people alive on this planet. Truly they really are.

Along with Tamar, and my cousin Ciosa, they are the people who hear the most shit from me, and yet still choose to stick around to hear some more.

Somebody give these people a medal. Seriously.

I saw them both today for the first time in months. They don't go to college in the same town I do you see. Basically I moved away and they stayed put.

That was one of the worst things about moving away. It felt like I was losing so much, and gaining so little. All for the purpose of hopefully getting a huge benefit in later life. I'm holding on to that thought.

I hung out with Séline all afternoon, and we just chatted. And it was so lovely. And then we met up with Marissa who hugged me when she saw me. And this is a big deal for me, because Marissa isn't someone who hugs just anyone. Its extra special coming from her.

The movie wasn't any special, but I don't care about that cause I was with two of the greatest people on earth. And I love them so much, and I'm so glad that they are my friends.

Lets do this until we're old and decrepit my Darlings. And then lets keep doing it after.

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