Friday 15 March 2013

The adventures of the non adventurous

Oh dear. I haven't written anything here all week. At the same time I've not much to say and I'm tired. I'm always tired I guess. But this week just felt so heavy you know?

What happened. Adventures Chloe. Think of adventures.

Oh I know! This made me laugh. Maybe it will make you laugh too. Or maybe not, I don't know. It's all I've got for the moment.

I'm scared of Jehovah's witnesses. For multiple reasons that I won't really get into today. I'm just absolutely terrified that one day a pair will turn up on my door and tell me I'm going to hell, or something. One time a pair showed up at a friends house, and she asked them to leave but they didn't, so she tried to shut the door, and they wouldn't let her.

So yeah. I don't want that to happen to me. I'm scared enough living on my own without something like that happening.

Anyway I have this other friend who has occasionally showed up on my doorstep out of the blue. And every time she has done this I've almost had a heart attack. "Jesus I thought it was the Jehovah's witnesses" I said to her the first few times. And she laughed at me and told me I was being an idiot.

But guess what I found in my postbox the other day? A pamphlet talking about our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only a pamphlet though. Oh no. It was an invitation. From the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Cue screams of horror and terror. "I told you so, I told you they were coming for me"


Seriously though. To be able to get to my postbox they would have had to come onto my apartment building. which means they could have come knocking on my door. And if they did it once they could do it again.

Oh shit.

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