Friday 22 March 2013

Happy Birthday to me

It's my birthday today. I'm nineteen years old. I don't know when this happened. In my head I stopped growing up at 17. So yeah. This feels weird.

I loath birthdays. I have for a while. They just generally suck. Immensely. AT least in my experience. I also hate growing up so obviously that doesn't help all that much.

It's also not the best of birthdays cause I have an exam this evening. Happy birthday clo.

It's ok apart from that though. A friend brought me a mini cake to school, and lots of people have been wishing me happy birthday which is cool.

I also got a new thermos and a pair of earrings. And I'm going to the cinema tonight with some friends after my exam to see warm bodies.

So all is not lost.

I just can't wait for today to be over so that it can stop being my birthday.

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