Wednesday 20 March 2013


People have a tendency to piss me off. Well People. If you want to be even more general you could say that humanity, as a species, pisses me off immensely.

I don't know. People are crazy and weird and complicated. And I know that there is no sense to be made but still.

Mankind places itself at the centre of the universe, and walks on everything else. Mankind considers everything that is not man, or at least man made, to be inferior.

Only human suffering is taking into account. Now in no way am I saying that human suffering isn't important, and something that we should try to stop. I'm just saying that maybe we should take other creatures suffering into account as well.

Chickens are often kept cooped up practically one on top of the other. Picture a square metre space. Now fill it with about twelve chickens maybe even more. That's how they live! If those conditions are imposed on a human being a shit storm goes down (quite right too), but not for the chickens? What makes us better than them?

Honestly? Nothing at all.

Humanity treats what isn't human as if it's worth nothing. But it's worth so much. And we're losing it all slowly but surely because we are, as a species, arrogant and fairly stupid.

Some days I get real tired of humanity.

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