Monday 30 September 2013

Headache no more

My headache (the one I had constantly for about a week), as almost completely gone. I still get a little ache if I'm in front of the computer too long, but I just feel so much better man.

I hate feeling sick, although I guess everyone does really.


There are some days when I have three separate ideas for a story all at once, and then there are days when I have no ideas at all. The problem is in both situations I end up not writing anything at all.

If I have too many ideas, well then I can't decide and so I daydream about them instead, one after the other. And if I have no ideas well it's easy enough to understand how I might not write then, isn't it?

There doesn't seem to be any middle ground, or at least there isn't much of it.

Procrastineuse professionnelle

Monday is the worst day of the week, I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge. I mean I don't know anyone who gets up on Monday morning and goes "Yes! I have to work now! TGIM".

If I ever met someone like think I would be very afraid.

And it just so happens that Monday is my longest day in terms of how many hours of class I have (at least for the moment), and it's also the day where I have my least favourite class.

Jurisdictional Institutions.

Even the name turns my brain to mulch. Anyway I survived the lesson (barely) and I've been at home for three hours staring at the blank piece of paper I'm supposed to be preparing my notes with.

Basically instead of working I've been messing around on the Internet and daydreaming. And the longer I wait until I actually start working, the later I'll be finished. Which means I might end up working when it's late and I hate that. And yet, here I am, writing this instead of getting my shit together and just finished the blasted work.

 Procrastination is an evil thing indeed.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Clare is a champion

My Irish side of the family is sport obsessed. Wait. Actually no so is my french side.

Ok so my entire family is sports obsessed. But the French side is mostly obsessed with kayaking whereas on the Irish side it's more like "Woo Rugby! Woo Hurling!", and whatnot.

Anyways so my family and I come from the magical county of Clare. And today Clare won the all Ireland championship (at least that's what I think it's called).

Everyone I know from Ireland pretty much went mental. And I'm just left standing here feeling pleased but quite bemused too.

I have no idea what we've won, how we've won, or why it's so special?

I suck at sports. I can't do sports and I can't follow it either. The only sport I can get mildly into is rugby (I'm not entirely sure why either), everything else is all the same to me.

But sshh don't tell my family they'll be angry with me...

Might as well celebrate anyway, I mean even if I'm completely lost and have not the slightest clue what going on, it's as good an excuse to be happy as anything else.

Up the banner?

Locking up

I moved in with one of my best friends this year, and we've been living together in our apartment for about a month now. This weekend she went home, and I didn't and so I spent my very first weekend alone in this apartment.

I was a lot more nervous than I thought I would be. In the day time it was fine, it wasn't that different than usual really, cause I could just imagine that my friend was in class or something.

When night fell it wasn't so easy. I guess I don't feel as safe when I'm sleeping in a house alone. I mean it's the same when I'm alone at my mums or at my dads, except that I'm more used to it I guess.

In any case I ended up doing a lot of stuff to make myself feel safe enough to sleep. And by stuff I mean I shut all the doors in the place (the only reason I didn't lock them is because I don't have a key), double locked the front door, made sure all our windows were closed, and then I locked myself in my bedroom (I have key for my bedroom).

And then I slept just fine. It's funny though, how you sometimes feel safer when you're in a smaller space? It's like you're in control of that space and all is well. I like that.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


I'm trying to download a TV show on itune and it's taking forever. Seriously it's ridiculous. It shouldn't take all day for a tv show to go from itunes to my computer.

At least I have nothing better to do anyway.


I've had a headache for four fucking days.

Four. Long. Days.

It's not a real headache, like I'm not in any real pain, it's just a tension headache. It certainly isn't helped by the fact that every morning by the fact that I spend every morning in class typing out on my computer screen.

I'm just tired man. Tired and sick.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Moving on

I came home to my mothers house the day before last, after spending a little over a week at my apartment with my friend.

It didn't feel very welcoming.

It's a strange feeling, kind of like being out of place. A feeling of not quite belonging. I don't think I belong here anymore. Which is a little sad.

But maybe it's a good thing too. Maybe it means I'm finally ready to go out into the big bad world, and actually face it without crying for my mothers arms and my fathers protection.

I'm not sure I am quite ready though. I'm certainly readier than I was last year, but I don't think I've gotten to the point where I can claim that I'm ready for independence yet. I'm still very afraid, and I still need someone to hold my hand.

Maybe I've just changed the hands that I'm holding.

I have a cousin who inspires me to believe that I can be great, a friend who lets me hold her hand, and another who tells me what I need to hear when I need to hear it.

So powers that used to belong to my parents, belong to those three friends now.

And I'm glad because I love them. But I'm sad because I miss my parents. Sometimes I miss them when they're right there in front of me. They're starting to feel so distant and I think that the only cure is to leave.

I don't know. I hope I will someday. In the meantime I have my friends, my books and my faith. And Bob, no one must ever forget Bob.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Working hard

I started class Monday, that is to say, yesterday. It went pretty well actually. I didn't know anyone but I managed to start talking to someone and now we sit together.

The classes are interesting enough, but I'm a little bored for the moment because this is all stuff that I've already done.

I have, however, made an important resolution.

I am not going to wait until the mast minute to study and work on my notes like I did last year. No damn way, I am not doing that again.

So after class I'm going to make my revision papers immediately, because it's a lot easier to condense four pages every day, than to do forty, or even fifty (and that's per subject) in less than two weeks.

I just really hope I keep the rhythm, as it is, after all, only the beginning. Woopi.

Sunday 8 September 2013

"Do you have time to speak of our Lord and Saviour?"

Yesterday I was just chilling with my friend and house mate in our apartment, when suddenly the doorbell rang. Assuming it was our friend who had come early we both went to open the door only to discover that it was, in fact, not her. Oh no.

It was two very nice looking ladies who asked us if they could ask us a few questions. We then assumed they were doing some kind of survey and agreed.

They were not doing a survey.

They asked us what we thought the cause of all suffering was (I answered war because I got embarrassed by the sudden pause of talking), and then one of them noticed that I was wearing a cross and asked me if I was religious.

Still not getting what on earth was going on I answered yes.

She then zeroed in on me, showing me her pamplets and quoting the Bible. She said a lot of stuff about salvation and "the meek shall inherit the earth", etc.

They then said goodbye, telling us that they might come by in a few weeks after we had read the pamplets in case we were interested.

Only after they had left did I read the title on the pamplets that I had been handed by the nice but slightly pushy lady.

Yeah they were Jehovahs Witenesses. Oops.

Wednesday 4 September 2013


I was meant to have my first day of class today, but it turns out I actually start next monday. So this morning instead of having to get up and concentrate, I got to sleep in and then watch a movie.

Some days are just a pleasure to live.

Monday 2 September 2013

Writing letters

I love writing letters. I mean I love emails and text messages just as much as the next person, but there's just something more special about getting an actual paper letter.

Usually when I write a letter it's a spoof letter, because for giving actual important news email is just easier. But funny joke letters are always brilliant. At least I try to make them funny. My humour isn't always top quality. But hey I try!

I sent a letter today, except that it was an actual proper letter. I just felt like writing a real letter to my uncle who lives in America. Every now and again I give him some news via email, and I don't know I just thought that maybe an actual letter might be more fun. I mean it's different, isn't it?

I hope I don't come off as crazy or anything. Just because I'd love it if people sent me letters doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.

In any case it's done now. It's sent, and I don't regret it. I'm not sure how long it takes for a letter to go from France to the States though. I'll probably forget I ever did it and then get confused when/if he ever answers.

Oh well.