Tuesday 10 September 2013

Working hard

I started class Monday, that is to say, yesterday. It went pretty well actually. I didn't know anyone but I managed to start talking to someone and now we sit together.

The classes are interesting enough, but I'm a little bored for the moment because this is all stuff that I've already done.

I have, however, made an important resolution.

I am not going to wait until the mast minute to study and work on my notes like I did last year. No damn way, I am not doing that again.

So after class I'm going to make my revision papers immediately, because it's a lot easier to condense four pages every day, than to do forty, or even fifty (and that's per subject) in less than two weeks.

I just really hope I keep the rhythm, as it is, after all, only the beginning. Woopi.

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