Friday 17 May 2013


This evening my mother tried to give me a lecture about certain people in my life trying to influence me into doing things that I don't want to do. Or telling me things that aren't true. Generally speaking the message was "don't listen to what these people say to you or do what they tell you to do."

I feel like I might be passing off as a little stupider than I might like.

I did what I usually do when someone starts saying things to me that I don't really appreciate. That is to say that I said nothing and remained quiet. I don't like conflict, I don't see the point. I'll keep my opinions to myself as I usually do.

Some of my friends might laugh reading this. I don't keep my opinions to myself with them in a lot of cases. But generally speaking I do have a tendency of keeping my mouth shut.

Funny though. Because although I love my mother this does need to be said. The person who tries to influence me the most is her. Seriously. And to avoid letting someone else influence me, she tried to influence me to stop trusting them.


Seriously though I'm not quite as dumb as I look or sound. I have convictions and I have beliefs that people have tried to pry away from me. Tried being the important word here.

I may not know what I want, or why, or when, or where. But I do most certainly know what I am willing or not willing to do ever in any possible scenario.

So yes mum, a lot of people may try to influence me. But they're not always who you'd expect. And I am a little upset that you'd try and make me believe that I'm not capable of deciding myself who I can and can't trust in this world.

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