Sunday 12 May 2013


Everyone has secrets. Everyone. No exceptions.

I don't tell everyone everything. There are some people that I trust more than others, and so those people are aware of more of my secrets. But those people are few. And even then they don't know every detail of everything.

And that's normal I think. Everyone feels the need to keep certain things to themselves. Sometimes it's for fear of judgement, or because they feel like their secret could be used as a weapon against them. Sometimes it's not even on purpose. You just didn't feel the need to tell this person this thing.

There are certain things that I don't tell my parents, or my friends. There's a lot of stuff that I don't talk about here too.

It's almost funny really. My mother for instance always assures me that all she wants is my happiness, so in theory I could tell her anything. And yet there are things I keep from her because I know that she would try to convince me that my choices or feelings or even beliefs are wrong. It's the same with my dad.

I keep these things to myself. One day I may tell them. But only when I know that I will be able to defend myself against them. Or when their opinions won't matter to me anymore. Whichever comes first.

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