Friday 31 May 2013

Scary stories

A little while back I talked about sad stories because I'd just finished a series that I had found terribly sad and quite tragic. Well now I'm watching a series that is sad but instead of tragic it's terrifying.

Holy shit man. Holy shit.

Why the actual fuck do people make shows like this, and why, for the love of God why, why do we watch them?

I finished an episode of this terrifying show not five minutes ago and the first thing I did was check under my bed to see if there was a monster hiding there. I'm nineteen years old, I should not be looking for monsters under my bed. Seriously man. Fuck.

I'm scared enough of the world as it is, and frankly to be very honest the world is a scary place. It doesn't need help. It doesn't need extra monsters to make things interesting.

And yet, who doesn't love a good horror story?

We are fucked up creatures. It's the only logical explanation I can think of for this kind of behaviour. I mean I love this show. I think it's brilliant and I'll watch the new episode that comes out next week.

But because of this show I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to sleep tonight. And I'll probably have the exact same problem next week. So why do I even like this show? Why do I insist on watching it? Why?

I don't have one blessed clue.

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