Thursday 16 May 2013

Sick and feeling like shit

I'm sick. It hit me yesterday evening at eight o'clock. I started shivering, so I got into bed with and extra heavy blanket. And despite it being may and being covered in bed covers made for deep winter I was still freezing.


To add to my pain, I also had a headache and felt dizzy. A little later on in the evening I got a sore throat. So I spent half the night awake shivering and weak.

Then at around three in the morning my body decided it was bored being cold. Time to feel far too hot instead, and sweat buckets!

I didn't sleep at all in any case. Which is extremely practical seeing as I had my very last exam this morning.

Yeah that was fun. Getting up, feeling dizzy, aching all over and wondering if I'm going to throw up is exactly how I wanted to feel right before an exam in international relations that I didn't feel prepared for at all.

Good times.

And now I'm going back to bed. And I'm not going to move until this sudden illness decides it's had its fun with me and leaves me alone.

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