Sunday 12 May 2013


Have you ever just not been able to sleep? At all? No matter what you try? Well that happened to me the night before last, and the night before that.

It's the worst, it really is. Because you're so tired, and all you want to do is close your eyes and drift off. But you don't. You just end up waiting and waiting and waiting.

It's so boring.

I don't know why I couldn't sleep the first night. But I dealt with the boredom easily by reading a book. Simple solution really. I mean I was at home in my own room, I was hardly in the way right?

But the second night. Oh boy.

Firstly I was still exhausted because of my first night of insomnia. This made me assume that I would fall asleep quickly. But you see that night I wasn't at home, but I was staying over at my my aunt and uncles and I was sharing a room with my younger cousin and my four and a half year old sister.

Sleeping with my cousin? Easy. Done before and there is no problem. But sleeping with my sister? Dear Lord.

My little sister snores like an adult man. Not kidding. Try sleeping on an air  mattress listening to that!

I ended up escaping into the living room to sleep on the couch. But even then I couldn't sleep. I didn't bring my blanket with me you see, and I didn't want to go back up and risk waking everyone up. And I couldn't find a light switch so it was pitch dark.

No book. No music. No Internet. Absolutely nothing for me to do at all. So I just waited for the night to pass. Slowly. Oh so very slowly...

Insomnia. It's the worst.

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