Thursday 29 August 2013

An outing with a five year old

I looked after my sister again today. We went to the river on our little scooters, because I thought I would make an effort for once and not just turn on the TV.

I ended up irritated and she ended up crying.

Not cause i yelled at her or anything, I'm not that much of an awful sister. No she just got really tired and fell over three or four times. Completely by accident too but it doesn't make me look good does it? Bringing my baby sister home covered in scratches and bruises while being in a not so good mood.

It wasn't that bad really. I just don't have the energy, or nurturing instinct required to enjoy looking after a hyperactive five year old.

In any case we didn't have a bad day. We went out, she swam a bit and played with my dads dog (my dad isn't her dad). She even got to have a bubble bath when we got home.

Goodness, I can't remember the last time I had a bubble bath. It must be nice being five.

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