Thursday 8 August 2013

On the subject of bananas

I have been craving bananas for weeks now. I want a banana. All I can think about sometimes is how much I really, really want to eat a banana.

I have no idea where this madness has come from, or why for that matter.

Just bananas, man. Bananas.

The other day I went grocery shopping with my stepdad, and I fully intended on ending this madness by buying bananas, eating them, and then going back to normal. And then I made a horrific discovery, which quite honestly, I should have seen coming.

Bananas are not grown in Europe. They are imported from quite far away.

Well fuck. This puts a stop on my plans.

I try to be good, meaning that I try to by as local as possible, and I avoid eating non seasonal foods. I am occasionally tricked by my own ignorance, but at least I try.

The bananas being sold at the market were either from the Equator, or from Costa Rica. So my conscience did not allow me to buy the bananas. So I did not get bananas.

This should not be half as upsetting as it is to me right now.

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