Sunday 24 February 2013

Back in Brittany

So I'm back n Brittany for a week! This wasn't planned at all.
My dad and brother and co have been here for about a week, and basically what happened is that they called me up and were all like "hey you should totally take the train here and join us".

Long story short that's what I did.

But that's not the interesting version. The interesting version is slightly longer and it involves ordinary adventures. Seriously though shit went down at some point.

Getting there.

Right so my train was at seven in the morning so I got up at five thirty so that I would have time to properly make sure I had everything done before leaving. Also I have to point out right now that I only got about four hours sleep, because the evening before leaving I had downloaded (legally) an entire series of Supernatural except that it took FOREVER and only finished at like one in the morning.


Anyway I was up early, got my stuff together left and walked to the train station. I then found my train, and the proceeded to almost have a heart attack because I couldn't find my seat and found myself in the first class section where rich people were staring at me clearly wondering how I dared show myself in their presence.

I eventually found my seat (in second class. Obviously. I'm a fucking student.), and settled down for a five hour journey.

I arrive at the station. I wait for an hour to catch my next train that will take me to my grandparents. I go to the quay. The train arrives. I look for my wagon. I find my wagon. I patiently wait for the people in front of me to MOVE and get in. And then just as I move to go in, the door closes and the train leaves without me and five other people.



So I find the ticket dude and basically more or less said something along the lines of "what the hell dude? What do I do now?? And I am NOT paying for another ticket. No."

Turns out I could still use my ticket for a train that came an hour later. Yay for an extra hour of hanging around doing nothing.

I'm lucky though. One of the girls left behind had it worse. Her friend had both their tickets and she did get on the train. Shit luck dudette.

Anyway I am now at my grandparents. And I am going to bed.

Adventures are exhausting.

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