Thursday 25 April 2013


Exams, exams, exams... I remember the days when I had no exams, when exams were far far away in the distant future, and I didn't really believe I would ever really have to pass them.

Well those days are gone. Long gone. Fuck man.

I had my first two exams of my second semester this week. One one Monday, and the other on Wednesday. My next exam is on Monday, then I have one on Tuesday, then on Thursday. Then I have to wait two weeks for my last exam on the 16th of may. Cause that makes sense.

The inner functioning of my schools bureaucracy will remain a mystery to me.

Seriously though I think I may have fried my brain, and now studying has actually become painful. And I think that I may be going crazy. Reassuring.

I'm also quite depressed because there is a strong possibility that I'm going to fail, which would mean that all my work would have been for nothing. And that ladies and gentlemen, would suck.

So that's whats been going on in my tiny little brain. Here's to hoping I actually get some proper work done tomorrow. One can only hope.

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