Tuesday 16 April 2013

The vets

We (and by we I mean my mother and I) are taking my cat, Velvet, to the vets tomorrow. For multiple reasons.

Reason one : he smells. He smells really, really bad. I love my cat, God knows I adore every little bit of him, but my goodness the smell is getting unbearable.

See Velvet is a big cat. He's pretty heavy, and to add to that he's got very long fur. Basically he smells cause he's not able to clean himself properly, so tomorrow at the vets, he is going to get shaved. Sorry baby. It's for the best.

Reason two : we found a bald patch near his tail. It's about 5 or 6 cm long, and 3 cm wide. And it's scaring the shit out of me. I don't know where it came from, since when it's been here, and why it's here in the first place.

And so I'm scared to bring him to the vets tomorrow. Because last time I took a cat to the vets because something like this happened I never took her home again.

So I'm touching wood, and telling myself that really there's nothing to truly worry about. The hair is already growing back. There's nothing to be worried about. Nothing. Don't worry Clo.

Please let me be able to just walk in, get the cat shaved, and then walk out with him again. I'm not asking for much.

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