Monday 15 April 2013

My brother and mother

My brother and my mother have a strange relationship. Or maybe I think it's strange because I've hardly ever had any trouble with my mother. Or with my dad.

They get on each others nerves I think. She nags him, and it kills me inside because I can see her doing it, and I can see him starting to get pissed off. And it's the same the other way around.

It's not really bad though, I mean there's no screaming and throwing of objects. It's just a little tense sometimes when mum starts talking about something that I know is a sore subject for my brother. Or the other way around. It's 50/50 between the two of them really.

She worries, I think, that maybe he doesn't take life seriously. It makes me want to laugh out loud because of course he doesn't! He's a 17 year old athlete, he's good-looking, he's popular, and he's smart! Why should he take life seriously?

Wouldn't she rather he be the way he is? When he could have ended up a scared little mouse like me? I'll take him the way he is thank you very much.

I'm not worried about him at all. I think my little (not so little) brother is going to be just fine. Better than fine, I think he's going to do great in life. He's one of those marvellously lucky people who always land on their feet. Lucky bastard.

Some people just get it all easier, and yeah it makes you want to scream when you're not one of those people. It gets me sometimes too, that life doesn't come easy. But I'm glad it does for him.

Even if he is a brat.

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