Wednesday 10 April 2013

Free icecream

Some days I feel like the world is pointless, and I feel sad and worthless and useless and lonely. Some days I just want to curl up into a ball, fall asleep and cease to exist. Some days everything sucks.

Not today! Today is one one those days where everything goes right. Where everything is sunshine, puppies and kittens. And ice cream.

Ice cream. Happiness tastes like ice cream.

I got free icecream today. And not just any icecream. Oh no. It was free Ben and Jerry's icecream. Fucking yes. Just yes.. Yum.

How did I manage to get free chocolate fudge icecream? Well what happened is the following : one of my friends from school always brings some newspapers to class, and we read them during break (or during class when class is particularly slow and boring). So she was reading through her paper, and I was reading mine when she suddenly grabbed my arm and made me look and an ad on her paper.

An ad telling all that had read that newspaper that anyone who went to a Ben and Jerry's shop today would get a free icecream cone.

I don't think I've ever looked up a destination so fast in my life.

Anyway we found a B&J shop not too far from where I live so we decided to go and see. Nothing to lose right? If the ad isn't some cruel joke we get icecream, and if it is a cruel joke they just tell us to buy something or leave.

It wasn't a joke. They gave us the icecream, and I think this is the first time in ages that I've felt so giddily happy in Strasbourg (the last time being when I went to see the Hobbit).

So yeah. I got free icecream today. It was awesome.

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