Friday 12 April 2013

Study time

I have my exams in little over a week. I am not overly confident. Pretty much the opposite in fact, seeing as I'm  mentally preparing myself to the increasingly likely possibility that I will have to repeat my year.

Fucking joyful.

Anyhow I have now officially begun my studying, and today I spent about four or five hours going over my notes and writing down the really important stuff on a separate sheet of paper. I'm not entirely sure how long I actually studied because I took many "make more tea" and therefore many bathroom breaks.

I had a lot of tea today. Which means that I'm probably not going to sleep all that well this evening. Or maybe I will anyway. Who knows.

In any case I intend on doing the same thing tomorrow. I mean I might be certain that I'm going to fail my year, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and pass it anyway. That would be giving up, and I might not be smart or ambitious or any of that, but I can work when I put my mind to it.

And I am putting my mind to it. Right now.

So from today until Sunday after next I will dedicate my afternoons to my notes, because at least then, no matter what my results are, no one will be able to tell me that I didn't try. And that's important.

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