Sunday 20 January 2013

Bored baking

You know stress baking? Well for those of you who don't know stress baking is when you bake when you're stressed, and it's usually pretty overboard, but hey it's a coping method.

I occasionally do some stress baking. But mostly I do something similar. I bake when I'm bored.

I'm a bookworm, and a bit of a nerd, so I spend a lot of time in front of my computer, or behind a book obsessing about fictional characters. But every now and again I get bored. And ever since I've been alone that's been happening a lot. I have no one to talk to, nothing to do, and nowhere to go. So I bake.

Now if I were cooking balanced meals for myself this would be a good thing. "She's finally feeding herself properly" my family and friends would cry out in joy.

But I'm not cooking, I'm baking. And that means cake. In this case brownies to be more specific. Not exactly a balanced meal is it?

Very yummy though.

Here they are :

I'll admit they don't look like much but who cares what they look like if it gives your taste buds an orgasm.

Here's where I got the recipe if anyone is interested :

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