Friday 18 January 2013

That wierd kid

So I have a confession to make. I'm not entirely sane. In fact if one of you lovely people reading this were ever to see me walking on my own in the street you'd never come up to me.
"Look at that one" you'd think (that is to say if you'd even noticed me, which to be perfectly honest, is not usually the case) "she's acting awful weird".

Now I've always known that I'm a little strange sometimes. But I'd always tell myself that everyone is strange sometimes, and when people talk of "normal behaviour" I like to ask them to define normality for me.

So yeah. Define normality for me. Yes you, who else could I be talking to? Define normality!

Ha. Thought so.

Anyways lets get back on topic.
I'm a weirdo. I realised this today when I was walking home in the snow. I was listening to music on my ipod and dreaming epic day dreams. Normal you'd say. Well this is the point where I wander a bit off the beaten path.

See in my day dreams there are conversations between the people that I'm day dreaming about, be they characters from a book I've read, or characters from one of my own stories. And sometimes (because I'm fucking crazy) I find myself saying the words of their conversations. Out loud.

Yes, you did read that correctly. I have conversations out loud with characters that don't exist. What the actual fuck is wrong with me.

I haven't been caught at it yet (or at least no ones mentioned to me yet), but still it's a little embarrassing when I catch myself doing it. Yeah cause half the time I don't even realise that I'm doing it in the first place.

And then I wonder why I was always considered to be that weird kid.

Oh well. Guess I'm crazy.

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