Sunday 27 January 2013

Getting your heart broken by fictional characters

I love comedy. Comedy is good. It's nice to laugh at a funny show, or a funny book. But unfortunately I love sad stories more. And this means that I get my heart broken by fictional characters a lot. And I mean a lot.

And to make things even worse my favourite characters are always amongst the ones who suffer the most. I don't even do on purpose. It just happens.

Mostly my favourite characters die. Hence the very unhealthy levels of heartbreak.

And when I say my heart breaks I'm not joking. It's less like "oh I'm a little sad because of so and so" and more like "everything hurts and nothing is ok". 

If I am aware of the heartbreak looming over the horizon sometimes I stop before it's gets to me. Meaning that I stop watching the show, or reading the book. It doesn't feel quite so bad that way.

But sometimes you just love the story so much you just have to embrace the pain. As melodramatic as that sounds.

My favourite books and movies are usually sad, or at least not exactly happy. Usually. Obviously not all of them, thank God, but most of them.

Sometimes I wonder why I even do this to myself. Or why anyone does it. Tragedy is a popular genre, and even happy stories have sad scenes. Those are the ones people remember the most I guess.

Take Harry Potter for instance. The first thing new people that I meet usually say to me is "Oh I cried when [insert dead characters name here] died". And ever since the Hobbit came out all the fangirls (myself included) can do is sob over the inevitable deaths of the characters who die (I'll name no names just in case).

I get my heart broken regularly is what I'm saying here. And I don't even need to go out in the real world to do so. Funny really.

I think tragedy is attractive because it's usually so intense. When it's well done you can feel the pain and the grief and the rage. And in this day and age we're all so numb to the world around us, so to be able to feel so intensely can be amazing even if it can be painful.

That or I'm some kind of masochist. Which admittedly is not completely impossible.

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