Thursday 31 January 2013

A topsy turvy vision of love

Love. Now if that isn't a word difficult to explain I don't know what is.

"I love you."

The best and worst three words a person can hear. Love can build you just as easily as it can destroy you. I have a strange relationship with love, because I simultaneously love very easily, and very difficultly.

I did say it would be difficult to explain.

I suppose it depends on what love we're talking about, and who and how much. I'm never going to be able to explain this properly am I?

These days the only kind of love that people ever talk about is romantic. It's finding your one true love, and falling in love, and being in love with this one person forever. I don't believe in this kind of love, I don't think it exists, and I think that it's a concept that media has invented and is now shoving down our throats.

I'm not exactly what you would call a romantic.

Not that I don't like it. I mean don't get me wrong I melt inside just like everyone else does when I watch a particularly romantic scene in a film (you know what kind I'm talking about). I just don't believe it actually exists in real life.

So yeah. I don't believe in that kind of "head over heals in love forever with this one and only person" love. But I believe in other kinds of love. I believe in loving your family, and your friends. I believe that you can love someone very much for a period of time. Just not forever.

This makes some people kind of sad. My dad hates it when I say stuff like this. And my cousin is sure that one day I'll fall in love. And if I do, well that's awesome. In this case I guess I would be pleased to be proven wrong.

I said before that I love very easily and yet very difficultly.

What I mean by this is that I'm willing to give practically everyone a chance. I try very hard to like everyone, and sometimes I love people who hardly even know me from a distance. You know like I'll love that kid that always smiles, or the bus driver that let me ride for free. I do this in the hopes that the vibes will get out there and make life a little better for them. I'm like to think that maybe someone else does that for me. It's a nice thought.

But only from a distance. The people that I actually and truly love are very small in numbers. I associate love with trust. So if you are one of those few people that I really and utterly love than you can be sure that I trust you with everything.

I don't think this is very clear, or even if it makes any sense. But I tried, that must count for something right?

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