Wednesday 23 January 2013

The existence of faerie folk

I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” John Lennon

I love this quote. I just found it because I was looking up fairies. Because I have a faerie story to tell. But lets talk about this wondrous quote first.

Isn't just magnificent? To believe in dragons and fairies? To be grown up but to stay a child? God bless John Lennon. I hope he's at peace.

I've always loved fairies. The good ones and the bad. I've always secretly hoped that one day I would see one. I remember when I was a kid (maybe six or seven years old) I lost a tooth and the tooth faerie came and left a coin under my pillow. And in the morning I ran out into the kitchen all excited, and while I was showing the coin off to my mum, I saw a small dark figure in the shape of a tiny person go past the window really fast.

I almost cried with excitement. 

I saw a faerie! A real live faerie, and I flaunted and showed off to my friends because of this privilege. And all were jealous, and I believed. And I was so happy. 

Of course now if I think rationally I understand what happened. I did see a small dark figure in the shape of a tiny person go past the window really fast, but if i remember correctly the wings weren't flapping and it was tied to a stick shaped thing. So really I saw a cardboard cutout of a faerie on a stick held under the window by my dad.

But sometimes I like to delude myself and think it was a real faerie. 

Why the sudden interest in faerie folk? Well here's another story. My curtain was broken, and I had been meaning to ask my concierge to come fix it for ages, but I kept forgetting and I just felt really awkward about it. So I did nothing.

Then yesterday I walked into my apartment and the curtain was fixed! I swear I saw stars, and my genuine first reaction was "the fairies fixed my curtain!"

A lovely reaction really. Of course there is a rational answer to the miracle of my fixed curtains. Earlier on in the week my concierge had asked me if he could come into my apartment sometime this week because he need access to my balcony. And seeing as I had class I told him to let himself in. So obviously he noticed that my curtain was broken and decided to fix it cause he's a nice guy.

Still. The faerie theory was lovely while it lasted.

I've always loved faeries. And as silly as it sounds I live in hope, that maybe one day for real I will see one.

Clap your hands if you believe. I do.

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