Saturday 5 January 2013


I had a friend over today, and it was the first time she'd been in my house for months. Simply because I haven't really lived here in months. I've been away, studying and being miserable.

We didn't do much, we never do. We just hung out for a bit. Then we baked some cookies (they were yum), and then we ate the cookies. And then at the end of the day we started dicking around with one of my sisters toys.

Yeah it was awesome.

You know Toy Story? Of course you do. And if you don't well I'm so sorry, but your childhood must have sucked.
I love Toy Story. It's my favourite cartoon movie ever (all three of them). Why am I talking about this? Well Caitlin (my baby sister) got a Toy Story Jessie doll complete with Bullseye. She loves them.

And I am so fucking jealous. Seriously.

Anyway back to me and my friend. We ended our day together by dicking around as I said before. Basically we played with Bullseye for an hour.

Here's photo evidence :

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