Tuesday 18 December 2012

A brain made of scrambled eggs

So I had my history exam this morning.
I had to write a dissertation on the evolution of executive power in France between the years 1795 and 1814 in one hour and thirty minutes. Go me.

Seriously though I can't feel my brain. Or rather I can feel it a little too much.

You try remembering how many constitutions were written between 1789 and today and what order they were written in. It's not easy.

And then during the exam I almost had a heart attack because I couldn't remember if the first empire was in 1814 or 1830.

I don't even know who I am anymore.

And this afternoon I have to study for my exam in private law that is tomorrow. And if I can maybe I can also study for my exam in public law that is the day after tomorrow.

What is my life.

I haven't even done any Christmas shopping at all! I am ashamed.

My brain needs a break. Which is why instead of study I am going to tidy up my studio. Cause that's a break now. A few months ago you would have to have forced and convinced me to tidy anything. Now I do it as a break.

Fuck you college.

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