Saturday 1 December 2012

So I have no idea what I'm doing, or what's going on. But I'm here. Mainly because my cousin is here, and she told me that a good way to get my feelings out of my head, would be to write them down for the world to see. Or in this case the internet.
So here I am. I'll try not to be too boring. Hey I might even try to be funny at times, as horrific as my attempts might be.

Should I introduce myself? I suppose I should. But what could the internet possibly want to know about little old me?
I'm 18 years old, and I'm a law student. Wow. I sound like such a riveting person.
Anyways. Law. It's as boring as it sounds.
I'm an introvert and I'm afraid of people. You guys scare the shit out of me. Which is why whenever I meet someone new, I always come off as a mute. Some people even find me unfriendly. But really I'm just very shy.
If you want to know just how shy and afraid and introverted I am, all you need to know, is that today is saturday, and I have not left my studio once. Not once. Why? Because I live in a city and there are people out there. The horror!

I enjoy writing. I'm not very good at it. I have some friends who whenever the write something I feel like crying because their style is just so beautiful. But I try. And God loves a trier does he not?

I'll leave it at that for the moment. I'm still dicovering how this site works. Computers are not exactly my thing. But once I'm sure of how this all works, then I'll try and write regularly. Hey I need to express myself somehow, or else I'm just going to explode.

And to the person reading this I leave the following message of parting : smile. It's good for you. xx

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