Thursday 27 December 2012

Life in an American movie

Sometimes when I watch an American movie I feel like I might choke on the cheesiness.
Other times I feel jealous.

In a regular blockbuster American movie bad things only happen to bad people, and good people always win. Life seems easier, more simple.

It's mostly really cheesy though. And if you're not American sometimes it can be little annoying (by this I mostly mean that American films sometimes forget that other countries apart from the US exist. That and villains aren't always either Russian or British).

I've never been to the States but my brother has, and he says that life does seem like a movie there. It must be the state of mind of the people there.

He says it was great anyway, and now he wants to live there. My cousin wants to live in the states too. And I have family that lives there too (in Boston and New York). America is still an attractive place.

I really want to visit Chicago because that's where Starkid is (if you don't know what Starkid is, look it up. You won't regret it).

Only to visit though, I don't think I would like to live in the US. I'm happy enough in Europe. I like Europe, it's my home.

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