Saturday 8 December 2012

Stealing my mothers boots

I went walking in the snow today, and it was so lovely. I had to borrow a pair of my mums boots though because I'm a dickhead and I forgot mine in Strasbourg. Way to go Chloe.

But yeah she lent me her boots. And I'm thinking about stealing them because they're actually really cool.
But stealing is wrong...
Inner conflict.

So yeah walking in the snow. It was really nice. It was cold but dry, and I was really well covered up, so the only part of me that was cold was my face.

Am I the only one who loves that feeling? When your cheeks are just all red from the cold, and you can't feel the tip of your nose?
I don't know why, but I just love it.

I don't like it when I'm cold all over though. That's just nasty.

I was walking around for about and hour and a half, and I felt so good after. This is why I love living in the country side. Well, not in town really.
I love it because you can just wander around, without actually meeting anyone, and you can just get completely lost in your own thoughts.

It's so lonely and peaceful and quiet. You don't have to worry about anything, you can just forget all of the things in life that get in the way of you just enjoying the world.

It's the best feeling.

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