Thursday 6 December 2012

Pets are life

So I'm being overwhelmingly angsty these days and that's never fun to read, so let's try and write something happy to balance out my last « my life sucks bla bla cry cry » post.

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. I have happy thoughts every now and then.


Wait for it.

Ah. No. No that's no good.

Oh fuck it, I don't know. I like cats ?

Cats are fucking awesome.
I am definitely going to be one of those crazy cat ladies when I'm older. Who needs a man when you can have a dozen cats ?

And when I say that I love cats, I mean that I fucking worship all cats of all ages, from cuddly kittens to old tomcats with ripped ears.

I have one cat for the moment. His name is Velvet and he is the best. He's huge, and fat, and fluffy, and sweet, and I love him so much it actually hurts. Long story short he's my baby, and if ever someone hurts him or tries to take him away I will destroy that person. I will obliviate them.

He had a sister named Bee, but she died almost three years ago now. I'm not going to talk about her today. I'm trying to think happy thoughts, and thinking about her always makes me cry.

But Velvet ! Oh I'm excited now ! He lives with my mum and stepdad for the moment because I can't have him in my studio. But once I have a job and all that stuff proper grown ups have, he's coming to live with me. Oh and I'm excited because I'm almost home and I'm going to be able to see my baby !

 Velvet on the left, Bee on the right.

I'm insane. Whatever.

I also have a dog. His name is Pogo, and he lives with my dad. We've had him forever, and whenever family comes over they always ask the same question : is pogo still alive ?

Of course he's still alive ! He's got years to live still. Silly family members.

So yeah I love my pets. In fact, I just love animals in general, and I think I probably prefer them to humans.
Cause that's totally normal.

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