Tuesday 25 December 2012

Getting caught out in the rain

I got caught out in the rain today when I was walking my dog. When I set out the weather was fine and after walking for about ten minutes WOOSH a rain shower.

Needless to say I got completely soaked and so did the dog. We both ended up running home for cover (too late) and then stood in the doorway dripping while my mam (my french grandmother) laughed at us.

I looked like a drowned rat.

To give you an idea of how soaked I was, I had just dried my hair after a shower, went out to walk the dog, and then I had to dry my hair again. It was as if I had just walked out of the shower in the first place.

I wasn't upset though not really. If I'd been unable to come home and change then yes I would have been pissed, but this was almost fun.

It's not like I had to worry about anyone seeing me. And I wasn't intending on going out.

So it's all good. It's been a good christmas, better than it usually is for me.

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