Sunday 23 December 2012

Say hello to the Atlantic

My brother, my dad and I have arrived home. It took about 11 hours in a small car filled to the brim with stuff (mostly theirs oddly enough), and with a dog to get there. It was a long and boring trip, and I hate being in the car for that long.

But hey it was so worth it. Because now I can see the sea, and when I can't see it I can still smell it, or even taste it when the wind is blowing.

I'm home again.

And I feel pretty good, considering that I'm pretty sure I've failed all my exams, and one of my closest friends and I had a bit of a falling out, and I'm still tired all the time.

Still. Everything feels ok here. I should never leave. Seriously though.

Funny thing? My dad always says the same. Makes you wonder why we live where we live when we all hate it so much.

One of life's mysteries I guess.

Miniature cliffs made of sand.I almost fell in the water when I stood too close to the edge and it collapsed under my weight. Thank God for my ninja skills of jumping backwards.

Pogo rolling in the sand after swimming in the sea. Look at that guilty look on his face! Even he knows that he's going to need to be cleaned up.

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